
What We Focus On

Wondering how this foundation makes bringing life-saving medical attention possible? 


Mobilizing life-saving healthcare to places difficult to reach using motocross. Medical assistance through four mobile clinics in the Dominican Republic & individual aid to families who require specific medical procedures.

$9000 To Go


Solt Nutrition

Allows donors to sponsor a low income family through a monthly donation. Each month the sponsored family will receive an assortment of items.

$11000 To Go


Mobile Clinic Program

Many remote regions of the Dominican Republic have limited access to adequate health care. Patients must travel to urban areas if they require emergency or specialized health services.

Donating to this project will allow us to provide these needed medical services to these regions.  The goal is to have 4 mobile clinics operating daily in the Dominican Republic. The clinics will provide people with regular medical checkups, vaccinations, medication and emergency assistance.

They will have access to an emergency hotline that is open 24/7.

Volunteers with motocross skills will be able to join us in order to go to hard-to-reach places and provide medical care.

Solt Food Program

Saving One Life At A Time, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization founded in the United States. This foundation has created the SOLT Food Program. 

For a donation of just $35 a month for a period of one (1) year; a family living in the Dominican Republic shall receive the following food items delivered to their home:

  • 1 25 lbs sack of rice
  • Half gallon of cooking oil
  • 4 lbs of beans
  • 2 cereal boxes
  • 2 boxes of spaghetti
  • 2 dozens of eggs
  • 1 36 ounce can of iced tea
  • 5 lbs of sugar
  • 1 coffee can
  • 4 rolls of toilet paper
  • 4 bars of bath soap
  • 1 toothpaste

What Makes Us Special

The places we offer first aid to are located in difficult-to-reach areas, thereby bringing forth new opportunities.

We work with experienced and trained volunteers you can rely on.

Because of our two programs, you get to pick the area that interests you the most.